“Solar Expert Network”


Effective March 2025




Welcome to Solar Expert Network! 

We created this company following the F.A.I.R. Philosophy (Fun, Anyone, Important and Real).  Our goal is that the company and all Solar Connectors run their business following the F.A.I.R. Philosophy.  Everything from how we share solar benefits, to how we share our free opportunity and how we treat other Solar Connectors.

  • FUN – Having a business opportunity and solar opportunity that is exciting, interesting, enjoyable, and rewarding.
  • ANYONE – Be equally available for anyone regardless of experience, be affordable for the masses, and require little time because it is just part of one’s lifestyle.
  • IMPORTANT – What we do is important and provides results that are significant to people’s quality of life.
  • REAL – Sharing results from real customers and Solar Connectors using just facts, without hype.  Sharing results that majority of people can experience, not just the outliers and the exceptions.

At Solar Expert Network, you are in business for yourself, but never by yourself. You, our corporate team, and our strategic partnerships together form a community of individuals working toward a common goal. This document identifies those Policies and Procedures that keep us all moving in a positive direction. When you become an Independent Representative (hereafter, “Solar Connector”), you become the CEO of your own home-based business. Each CEO conducts their business differently, though we depend on one another for support. Therefore, we all agree to live by a code of ethics, policies, and procedures that will keep us agreeing with one another and working in win-win relationships.

These Policies and Procedures apply to all Solar Connectors that have joined Solar Expert Network. Please read through this information carefully so that you can refer to it when you enroll new Solar Connectors and Customers into Solar Expert Network.

-Solar Expert Network Management Team

1.1 Contractual Relationship, Code of Honor, and Confidentiality

Solar Expert Network is an (Illinois) corporation, independently owned and operated.

These Policies and Procedures, along with the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan, combine to form a contract which is legally binding on each Solar Connector and Solar Expert Network. A Solar Connector enters this contract with Solar Expert Network with confidence in Solar Expert Network’s integrity and its expressed intention of dealing fairly with its Solar Connectors. Solar Expert Network enters this contract with full awareness that its success depends upon responsible, efficient, vigorous, and successful Solar Connectors who conduct their business free of false, deceptive, or misleading advertising and marketing practices. Solar Expert Network enters this contract with each Solar Connector believing in the Solar Connector’s integrity and ability and that the Solar Connector will meet its obligations and responsibilities. Given these expectations, Solar Expert Network wants all Solar Connectors to have confidence in Solar Expert Network and mutually commit to the following:

  1. We will strive to treat others as we would like to be treated.
  2. We will strive to be fair, honest, ethical, and courteous with your customers, our vendors, and our Solar Connectors.
  3. We will always be professional whenever we act in an official Solar Expert Network capacity.
  4. We will make every effort to help others achieve their goals as we strive to accomplish our own.

Solar Expert Network may terminate its distributor agreement with a Solar Connector if the Solar Connector has engaged in any unethical or criminal conduct which may be detrimental to the consumer, Solar Expert Network, or any other Solar Connector. Such decision is at the sole discretion of Solar Expert Network. To remain in good standing, each Solar Connector agrees to:

  1. Conduct their business in a commercially reasonable manner.
  2. Respect the time and privacy of the people I contact to share our products and our opportunities with. Be courteous and respectful to everyone you have contacted during your Solar Expert Network business.
  3. Enroll, train, manage, and lead any downline Solar Connectors in accordance with the guidelines established by Solar Expert Network.
  4. Truthfully and fairly describe solar benefits or business opportunities offered by Solar Expert Network in all discussions with customers, other Solar Connectors, or potential Solar Connectors.
  5. Will not use any deceptive or illegal practices, or any practice prohibited by this agreement or by the Policies and Procedures in this document.
  6. Neither misstate nor omit any significant material fact about the Solar Expert Network program.
  7. Only represent that the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan and the compensation provided are based upon actual customers signing contracts to go solar and then the completion of solar installation at customers’ home..
  8. Online reports are proprietary and confidential to Solar Expert Network and are transmitted to the Solar Connector in confidence.
  9. Understands your agreement to keep confidential and not disclose Solar Expert Network’s confidential information, Solar Expert Network would not provide confidential information to you otherwise.
  10. Never disclose confidential information to any third party directly or indirectly, nor use the information to compete with Solar Expert Network directly or indirectly.

1.2 Policies and Procedure and Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan Included in Solar Connector Online Agreement

    These Policies and Procedures, and the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan (both in their present form and as may be amended), are incorporated into, and constitute an integral part of, the Solar Expert Network Solar Connector Agreement. Collectively, these documents set forth the respective duties, obligations, and responsibilities of Solar Expert Network and each Solar Connector.

    In these Policies and Procedures, if the term “Agreement” is used, it collectively refers to the Solar Expert Network Solar Connector Agreement, these Policies and Procedures, and the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan.  These documents are incorporated by reference into the Solar Expert Network Solar Connector Agreement.

    It is each Solar Connectors responsibility to read, understand, adhere to, and ensure that he/she is aware of and operating under the most current version of these Policies and Procedures. If you have any questions regarding any policy, procedure, or rule, do not hesitate to seek an answer from Solar Expert Network at [email protected] or to contact your independent tax and business advisors, accountants, and attorneys.

    1.3 Modifications to the Agreement

    To maintain a viable business and to comply with governing federal, state, and local laws, and economic conditions, Solar Expert Network reserves the right to amend this Agreement in Solar Expert Network’s sole and absolute discretion. Such modifications shall be immediately binding upon publication of notice of any such modifications. Notification of amendments shall be published by one or more of the following methods: (1) posting on Solar Expert Network’s official web site (the Back Office); (2) by e-mail; (3) published in a Solar Expert Network periodical; or (4) special mailings.

    By accepting the Solar Connector Agreement, each Solar Connector agrees to abide by all amendments or modifications that Solar Expert Network elects to make. A Solar Connectors continuation of the Solar Connectors Solar Expert Network distributorship business, or acceptance of bonuses or commissions also constitutes acceptance of all amendments. If any Solar Connector does not agree with any amendment to the Agreement, the Solar Connector may so notify Solar Expert Network at [email protected] and shall withdraw from being a Solar Connector and distributor of Solar Expert Network products.

    1.4 Independent Contractor Status

    Each Solar Connector is an independent contractor of Solar Expert Network, and each is granted a non-exclusive authorization to represent Solar Expert Network’s “Solar Compatibility Questionnaire” in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth by Solar Expert Network, including this Agreement. No Solar Connector is purchasing a franchise or a “business opportunity” under any state or federal law. The Solar Connector Agreement between Solar Expert Network and its Solar Connectors does not create an employment or agency relationship, nor a partnership or joint venture between Solar Expert Network and any Solar Connector. Therefore, the Solar Connector has no authority (expressed or implied), to bind Solar Expert Network to any obligation. No Solar Connector is a representative of Solar Expert Network, but only a representative of its products.

    Each Solar Connector shall establish his/her own goals, hours, and methods of sale, so long as they comply with the terms of this Agreement, and applicable laws.


    2.1 Solar Connector Application Requirements

    To become a Solar Expert Network Solar Connector, each applicant must:

    • Be at least 18 years of age (19 if resident in Alabama and Nebraska, and 21 if in Mississippi).
    • Reside in the United States.
    • Accurately complete and submit an online Solar Connector Agreement to Solar Expert Network.

    By submitting a Solar Connector Application to Solar Expert Network, you affirm that you have read and understand these Policies and Procedures as they now exist. Solar Expert Network reserves the right to reject any application for any reason.

    2.2 Solar Connector Free Online Business Kit

    To familiarize new Solar Connectors with Solar Expert Network’s “Solar Compatibility Questionnaire”, sales aids, and marketing techniques, Solar Expert Network equips each Solar Connector with a personal marketing website, a complete virtual Back Office, placement in the “Team Structure” (binary tree), training, Solar Expert Network Customer Support and ecommerce administration, and eligibility for personal bonuses.

    No person is required to purchase anything or become a Solar Customer to join Solar Expert Network.

    2.3 Solar Connector Benefits

    Once a Solar Connector’s online Application and Agreement has been accepted by Solar Expert Network, the benefits of the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan and the Agreement are available to the Solar Connector. These benefits include the right to:

    • Represent Solar Expert Network solar programs within approved sales and advertising mediums.
    • Participate in the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan (receive bonuses and commissions, if eligible).
    • Enroll others as a Solar Connector into the Solar Expert Network business.
    • Receive periodic Solar Expert Network communications.
    • Participate in Solar Expert Network support, training, motivational and recognition functions, upon payment of appropriate charges, if applicable; and
    • Participate in promotional and incentive contests and programs developed by Solar Expert Network for its Solar Connectors.

    2.4 Enrolling Other Solar Connectors

    1. Solar Connectors are entitled to enroll other Solar Connectors into the Solar Expert Network program. However, Solar Connectors are compensated for actual customers signing contracts to go solar and then the completion of solar installation at customers’ home and not for the introduction of new Solar Connectors into the program.

    When enrolling a new Solar Connector, it is the responsibility of the enrolling Solar Connector to ensure that the applicant is provided with, or has online access to, the most current version of these Policies and Procedures and the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan prior to his/her execution of the Solar Connector Application and Agreement.

    2.5 Position Restrictions

    A Solar Connector may have beneficial interest or participation in only one Solar Expert Network business. A beneficial interest includes, but is not limited to, any ownership, interest, equitable interest, any rights to present or future benefits, financial or otherwise.

    This means that only one account per household (address) is allowed. So, if a husband and wife or common-law couple (collectively “spouses”), want to both enroll in the business, they can join the business as a couple on the same account. Because the spouses are both enrolled on the same account, the actions of one spouse will be attributed to both spouses and may result in disciplinary action against both spouses merely because they are spouses.

    2.6 Applying as a Business Entity

    A corporation, limited liability company (LLC), limited partnership, partnership, or trust (collectively referred to in this section as a “Business Entity”) may apply to be a Solar Expert Network Solar Connector. The Business Entity registration (disclosure) form must be signed by all the shareholders, members, partners, trustees, or other owners. Owners, managers, and trustees of the entity are jointly and severally liable for any indebtedness or other obligation to Solar Expert Network.

    If any of the shareholders, members, partners, trustees, or other owners of an enrolling Business entity are already involved with Solar Expert Network through a different Business entity account or a personal account, the new enrolling entity will be termed. A Solar Connector may have beneficial interest or participation in only one Solar Expert Network business.

    A Solar Connectors distributorship may be transferred into a Business Entity. To maintain the integrity of the Solar Expert Network Marketing Program, an individual wishing to continue their Solar Connector business as a Business Entity may do so but may not maintain a separate Solar Expert Network distributorship business under his/her personal name.

    Non-Profit Organizations may enroll as a Solar Connector; however, they have the same restrictions as above regarding the officers and directors of the Non-Profit.

    2.7 Multiple Applications

    Each prospective Solar Connector has the ultimate right to choose his/her own enroller. If two Solar Connectors claim to be the enroller of the same new Solar Connector, Solar Expert Network will recognize the enroller as the name shown on the first Solar Connector Agreement that is completed, dated, and received or processed at Solar Expert Network’s corporate office.

    2.8 Holding Applications or Orders

    Solar Connectors must not manipulate enrollments of new applicants.

    Any Solar Connector Application and Agreement submitted to Solar Expert Network via its website is auto placed in the “Team (Binary) Structure” and the placement cannot be changed (Also, once commissions have been generated by any Customer that is tied to a new Solar Connector, the placement cannot be changed without Upline approval of all Solar Connectors financially affected by the change.

    2.9 Annual Renewal Fee

    Solar Expert Network is free to join and as well does not have an Annual Renewal Fee.

    2.10 No Additional Agreements or Contracts Required

    Solar Connectors shall not require or encourage anyone to execute any agreement or contract other than official Solar Expert Network agreements and contracts to become a Solar Expert Network Solar Connector.

    2.11 Income Taxes

    Solar Connectors shall not be treated as employees of Solar Expert Network, or of any enrolling or other Solar Connector, for Federal or State tax purposes. All Solar Connectors are responsible for paying local, state, and federal taxes due to all compensation earned and all other expenses that arise from running their Solar Expert Network Business. As required by law, Solar Expert Network reports to the tax authorities any Earning paid to Solar Connectors.

    Every year, Solar Expert Network will provide an IRS Form 1099 MISC (Non-employee Earning) earnings statement to each U.S. resident who had earnings more than the annual minimum as established by the Internal Revenue Service in the previous calendar year. The gross sales income figure on your IRS Form 1099 is compiled from tax invoices, commission statements, and other reports generated by Solar Expert Network for each Solar Connector.

    2.12 Compliance with Federal, State, and Local Laws

    Solar Connectors must comply with all federal, state, and local laws in the conduct of their business. Solar Expert Network recommends that you seek guidance from your local officials, and tax and legal advisers in determining and complying with applicable laws.


    3.1 Product Sales

    Solar Expert Network Solar Connectors are ONLY authorized to submit a “Solar Compatibility Questionnaire” directly via the Solar Connectors free back-office.  Once Solar Expert Network receives a “Solar Compatibility Questionnaire,” Solar Expert Network will complete reviewing “Solar Compatibility Questionnaire” and finalize the home’s Solar Compatibility based on satellite imagery to make sure the roof has adequate sun exposure free of obstructions (Such as trees and other obstructions). Once that is complete Solar Expert Network will “Set” appointment for a Solar Expert who handle all the next steps in a customer’s journey going Solar.

    When a customer decides to go solar, signs a solar contract, and installation is complete then Solar Connectors are paid commission. See Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan for additional and full details.


    4.1 Commission Eligibility

    The Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan is based on Customers that sign Solar Contracts and Solar Installations are complete that were referred to a Solar Pro by a Solar Connector via the online “Solar Compatibility Questionnaire”.

    There are no personal qualifications to qualify for Bonuses.  There are no ranks to achieve and additional qualifications to maintain to qualify for higher commissions.  All Solar Connectors are qualified when they join, and all Solar Connectors are at the same rank.  The only thing the differentiates one Solar Connector from another is performance. 

    1. How many “Solar Compatibility Questionnaires” have you completed and submitted?
    2. How many Solar Connectors have you enrolled?
    3. How many Solar Connectors have they enrolled and so on?
    4. How many “Solar Compatibility Questionnaires” have your team of Solar Connectors  completed and submitted?

    4.2 Commission Payments

    A Solar Connector is paid commissions and/or bonuses by Solar Expert Network for actual customers signing contracts to go solar and then the completion of solar installation at customers’ home. 

    4.3 Payment Policy

    Weekly bonuses are issued each Thursday (except holidays) for the prior week’s pay period. (Actual days of the week in a weekly pay period are specified in the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan.) If Thursday is a holiday, weekly bonuses are issued on the next regular business day.

    The Company’s preferred method of payment is direct deposit into an account you may establish with our preferred provider, Pay Quicker. Once a Solar Connector earns their first commission payment, they will receive an email with directions on how to establish their account from Pay Quicker. The Solar Connector may sweep payments (as earned) from their Pay Quicker account into any bank account of choice. Each Pay Quicker account holder will also be issued a Visa™ debit card associated with their Pay Quicker account and the account holder may use that account just like any debit account. As with any debit card, there are nominal fees associated with use and these fees can be found through their PayQuicker portal.

    It is each Solar Connectors responsibility to review his/her bonus check and report any potential discrepancies to Solar Expert Network Customer Support  [email protected] within 20 days of receipt of the bonus.

    4.4 Reports

    All information provided by Solar Expert Network online including but not limited to Enrollment Tree, Team Commission Tree (or any part thereof), and downline enrolling activity, is believed to be accurate, complete, and reliable. Nevertheless, due to various factors including but not limited to the inherent possibility of human and mechanical error, the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of data.  For those or other reasons, information in reports is not guaranteed by Solar Expert Network or any persons creating or transmitting the information.




    5.1 General Advertising

    Solar Expert Network encourages word-of-mouth and social media advertising as the best and most efficient means of advertising and discourages conventional media advertising.

    All Solar Connectors shall safeguard and promote the good reputation of Solar Expert Network and its products. The marketing and promotion of Solar Expert Network, the requirements to become a Solar Expert Network Solar Connector and represent Solar Expert Network’s services, the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan, and Solar Expert Network opportunity shall be consistent with applicable laws, public policy, and with the public interest, and must avoid all unprofessional, discourteous, deceptive, misleading, unethical, or immoral conduct, practices, and misrepresentations, expressed and implied.

    5.2 Indemnification

    Solar Connectors are solely responsible for all their verbal or written statements regarding Solar Expert Network, its services, and the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan, which are not expressly contained in and quoted from official Solar Expert Network material. As such, Solar Connectors agree to indemnify Solar Expert Network and its directors, officers, agents, attorneys, and employees, and hold them harmless from any and all claims, damages, liability, or losses, including but not limited to judgments, civil penalties, refunds, legal fees, court costs, damages, or lost business incurred by Solar Expert Network as a result of the Solar Connectors unauthorized or false or misleading representations or inappropriate actions. This obligation shall survive the termination of the Solar Connector Agreement.

    5.3 Trademarks and Copyrights

    Solar Expert Network uses trade names and trademarks to identify it, its services, its sales/ marketing programs, and to distinguish it from competing entities, and their services and programs. The name and mark: “Solar Expert Network” as well as other names, logos, or trademarks, are proprietary to Solar Expert Network and have great commercial value. Whenever Solar Expert Network’s name and trademarks are misused, the value, distinctiveness, and positive impact of the name and trademark are lessened or tarnished. Consequently, Solar Expert Network strives to protect the integrity of its name and trademarks.

    You should report suspected unauthorized use of Solar Expert Network’s name and trademarks by email to [email protected].

    Solar Connectors may distribute materials approved by Solar Expert Network. However, no Solar Connector is licensed to use the name, or any trademark of Solar Expert Network. If a Solar Connector uses without express authorization or misuses the name or trademarks of Solar Expert Network, and/or its marketing material, that Solar Connector shall be deemed to have materially and seriously violated these Policies and Procedures and shall be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to, immediate termination as a Solar Connector, and any and all other remedies provided under the law, including recovery of legal fees for trademark infringement.

    No Solar Connector may use or attempt to register any of Solar Expert Network’s trade names, trademarks, service marks, Solar Expert Network’s name, or any derivative thereof, for any Internet domain name, replicated website username, or email address.

    5.4 Use of Solar Expert Network Sales Materials

    Solar Connectors may not re-package, copy, modify, or re-create any information or materials provided by Solar Expert Network.

    Solar Expert Network controls the copyright in its printed and audiovisual-recorded materials, such as manuals, brochures, sales aids, audio and videotapes, video training, Internet material, etc. As protected under copyright law, these materials are the exclusive property of Solar Expert Network. Any copyright infringement shall result in Solar Expert Network seeking all remedies under the law to protect its copyrights with reasonable legal fees awarded to Solar Expert Network.

    Solar Connectors may not directly or indirectly record or produce for sale or distribution any audio or video recording of any Solar Expert Network event or speech without the prior express written permission of Solar Expert Network, nor may any Solar Connector copy or reproduce (for sale or for personal use) any audio or video recording produced by Solar Expert Network.

    5.5 Creation of Solar Connector Sales Materials

    Solar Expert Network Solar Connectors are allowed to develop their own sales tools and promotional materials but they must be approved by the Solar Expert Network Compliance department in writing at [email protected] before the dissemination, broadcast, or distribution of said advertising or promotional material.

    Solar Connectors are authorized to use published written materials produced by Solar Expert Network (both printed and digital) without prior approval when used in context as intended in the original publication. These materials may be used in flyers and websites for promotional purposes of the Solar Connector’s Solar Expert Network business only.

    As used here, “sales tools and promotional materials” includes all independent advertising created by or for any Solar Connector, including but not limited to web sites (not provided by Solar Expert Network), flyers, statements made on telephone answering machines, TV, infomercials, banner ads, radio messaging, or any other form of advertising in any medium that can be construed as a means of advertising, or for promotional purposes in which Solar Expert Network’s name, trademark, or logo (or that of any of its products, services or sales aids).

    Any request shall be deemed denied unless the Solar Connector is issued specific written approval to use the specific sales tool or promotional material. Any approval granted for said advertising shall be specifically applicable to the Solar Connector that originated the request and then only exclusively for the same Solar Connectors business. Said approval is not transferable.

    All independently produced material must not display any Solar Expert Network trademark without prior express written approval. No Solar Connector may produce any items that feature the Solar Expert Network Corporate logo.

    Solar Expert Network reserves the right, upon notice, to rescind approval for any sales tools, promotional materials, advertisements, or other literature, and Solar Connectors waive all claims for damages or remuneration arising from or relating to such rescission.

    5.6 Inappropriate Corporate Likeness

    Solar Connectors may not purchase, sell, or distribute marketing, informational, promotional or any other material(s) in a manner that suggests or implies that the material originated from Solar Expert Network. Such unapproved instances include the following:

    1. Not identifying yourself by your name, and as a Solar Connector, on business cards, signs, and stationery—you must always use the title “Independent Business Owner”.
    2. Using the Solar Expert Network trade name on the Internet, or in electronic communications.
    3. Using the Solar Expert Network trade name or any of its trademarks on any Solar Connector business or personal checking accounts—Solar Connectors may imprint their Solar Expert Network business checks as being a “Solar Connector and Representative of Solar Expert Network Products.”
    4. Answering the telephone, voice mail, or electronic communications, etc., by saying or stating, “Solar Expert Network” or in any other manner that would lead the recipient to believe that he/she has reached the corporate offices of Solar Expert Network or reached a representative of Solar Expert Network. (Solar Connectors are representatives of Solar Expert Network product, but not representatives of Solar Expert Network corporate.)
    5. Using an unapproved domain/page name on any Internet website (including Internet social media or networks) that uses any trademark of Solar Expert Network.

    5.7 Solar Connector Websites and Domain Names

    If a Solar Connector desires to utilize an Internet website to promote his/her business, he/she may do so through Solar Expert Network’s official website or their personal Solar Expert Network website. Alternatively, Solar Connectors may develop their own website and banner ads separate from those offered by Solar Expert Network. Solar Connectors who develop or publish such material must receive written approval from Solar Expert Network prior to their public availability, or access through the Internet. Failure to obtain approval constitutes a material and substantial breach of these Policies and Procedures. The exceptions are those web sites that contain only information that comes from the official company developed and maintained web sites, brochures and other companies produced materials developed for marketing purposes.

    Solar Expert Network will not allow the use of its trade names or trademarks or designs, or symbols by any person, including Solar Connectors, without its specific prior, written permission. Solar Connectors may only use the Independent Solar Expert Network Solar Connector logo developed by Solar Expert Network and available for license to Solar Connectors for their use as a Solar Connector, if they desire.

    You are welcome to promote the URL of your personal replicated site (www.solarexpertnetwork.com/yourname), which is provided by Solar Expert Network.

    5.8 Search Engine Marketing

    Solar Connectors wishing to engage in search engine marketing to drive traffic to their approved Solar Connector websites may do so provided they do not use any of Solar Expert Network’s trade names or trademarks as search terms, meta tags, or key words. No deceptive or misleading terms, such as “direct site,” “official site,” “official Solar Expert Network website,” etc., may appear in any enrollment links or ads of a Solar Connector displayed on any search results page.

    5.9 Media Inquiries

    All media inquiries regarding Solar Expert Network, its business, services, and personnel should be immediately referred to Solar Expert Network at [email protected] to its internal staff and professional representatives at the corporate level. Misrepresentations to the media of any nature could harm Solar Expert Network as well as the business of all Solar Connectors. Consequently, no Solar Connector is authorized to represent Solar Expert Network before the media, including news organizations, whether print, broadcast, or Internet-based. Any interview with the media must be approved and supervised by Solar Expert Network.

    5.10 Solar Expert Network Corporate Communication

    By submitting a Solar Connector Application and Agreement to Solar Expert Network, applicants and subsequent Solar Connectors grant permission to Solar Expert Network to contact them by telephone, text and/or email, to promote the sale of Solar Expert Network products, to promote the Solar Expert Network product representative opportunity, and to communicate with Solar Connectors relative to their Solar Connector business.


    6.1 Downline Activity (Genealogy) Reports

    Downline Activity Reports are available for Solar Connector access and viewing at Solar Expert Network’s official web site. Each Solar Connectors access to their Downline Activity Reports is password protected. All Downline Activity Reports and the information contained therein are confidential and constitute proprietary information and business trade secrets belonging to Solar Expert Network. Downline Activity Reports are provided to Solar Connectors in strictest confidence and are made available to Solar Connectors for the sole purpose of assisting Solar Connectors in working with their respective Downline Organizations in the development of their Solar Expert Network business. Downline Activity Reports are believed to be complete and accurate, but that is not guaranteed by Solar Expert Network. Solar Connectors may use their Downline Activity Reports to assist, motivate, and train their downline Solar Connectors. But for each Solar Connectors agreement to keep the Downline Activity Report confidential and not disclose it, Solar Expert Network would not provide Downline Activity Reports to the Solar Connector. A Solar Connector shall not, on his/her own behalf, or on behalf of any other person, partnership, association, corporation or other entity:

    • Directly or indirectly disclose any information contained in any Downline Activity Report to any third party.
    • Directly or indirectly disclose the password or other access code to his/her Downline Activity Report.
    • Use the information to compete with Solar Expert Network or for any purpose other than promoting his/her Solar Expert Network business; or

    Upon demand by Solar Expert Network, any current or former Solar Connector will return the original and all copies of Downline Activity Reports to Solar Expert Network.

    6.2 Changes to a Business Entity

    Each Solar Connector must immediately notify Solar Expert Network of any changes to name, type, ownership or control of the business entity they utilize in operating their Solar Connector business, and the addition or removal of its business associates. Such changes may not be made until approved. 

    6.3 Sale, Transfer, or Assignment of Solar Expert Network Business

    Although a Solar Expert Network business is a privately owned and independently operated business, the sale, transfer or assignment of a Solar Expert Network business is subject to certain limitations. If a Solar Connector wishes to sell his/her Solar Expert Network Solar Connector business, the following criteria must be met:

    1. Protection of the existing line of enrollment must be maintained so that the Solar Connector business continues to be operated in that line of enrollment.
    2. If the buyer is an active Solar Connector, he/she must first terminate his/her Solar Expert Network business and wait six months before acquiring any interest in a different Solar Expert Network business.
    3. Before the sale, transfer or assignment can be finalized and approved by Solar Expert Network, any debt obligations the selling Solar Connector has with Solar Expert Network must be satisfied.
    4. The selling Solar Connector must be in good standing and not in violation of any of the terms of the Agreement to be eligible to sell, transfer, or assign a Solar Expert Network business.
    5. Solar Expert Network must approve any sale or transfer in writing and such approval will not be unreasonably withheld but may be subject to some delay in approval. Plan accordingly.

    Prior to selling a Solar Expert Network business, the selling Solar Connector must notify Solar Expert Network’s Compliance Department in writing of his/her intent to sell the Solar Expert Network business. No changes in line of enrollment can result from the sale or transfer of a Solar Expert Network business.

    6.4 Acquisitions

    Any Solar Connector desiring to acquire an interest in another independent business must first terminate his/her independent business and wait for six (6) calendar months before becoming eligible for such a purchase or partnership arrangement. All such transactions must be fully disclosed to Solar Expert Network and must be approved by Solar Expert Network in advance.

    6.5 Succession

    Upon the death, disability, or incapacity of a Solar Connector, the Solar Connectors business shall pass to successors in interest as provided by law. However, Solar Expert Network will not recognize such a transfer unless and until the successor in interest has submitted an approved Solar Connector Application and Agreement, and Succession Agreement form, together with certified copies of the death certificate and will, trust, or other appropriate instrument. The successor shall thereafter be entitled to the rights and be subject to the obligations applicable to a Solar Connector. A successor shall not be required to surrender any pre-existing Solar Expert Network business of their own established prior to succession nor shall a pre-existing Solar Expert Network business interfere with succession in any way.

    6.6 Transfer of Enroller

    Although strongly discouraged and seldom permitted, a Solar Connector may transfer to a different enroller by the following means:

    When the transfer is within the same upline and downline organization AND the transfer is requested within 7 days of the application, the following signatures are required: requesting Solar Connector, original enroller, and requested new enroller.

    When the transfer is outside the same upline and downline organization, the signatures of all affected upline Solar Connectors must also be submitted. These signatures must have statements indicating that each affected party understands and consents to the transfer. Any request for transfer of enroller must be first submitted to Solar Expert Network in writing explaining the specific reasons for the requested transfer.

    All transfers of Enroller require the final approval of Solar Expert Network in its discretion, whose decision, if granted, will apply only to the Solar Connector making the request and not to any downline organization. To transfer the organization intact, signatures and the Solar Connector ID numbers of each person in the downline must appear in the document approved by the upline.

    6.7 Misplacement

    A request for change of placement must be submitted prior to the first commission run and must be requested by the current listed Enroller. A Solar Connector can only be moved inside the same Enroller’s organization. If approved, a Solar Connector will be placed in the first available open bottom position on the date the change is made. A Solar Connector that has earned a commission is not eligible for placement changes. Please note that decisions made regarding any change request are at the sole discretion of Solar Expert Network and rarely approved.

    6.8 Cancellation and Reapplication

    A Solar Connector may legitimately change organizations by voluntarily canceling his/her Solar Expert Network business and remain inactive for six (6) months thereafter. Following the six-month period, the former Solar Connector may reapply under a new Enroller, however, the former Solar Connector’s downline will, of course, remain in its original line of enrollment. Solar Expert Network will consider waving the six-month waiting period only under exceptional circumstances. Such requests for waivers must be submitted to Solar Expert Network in writing and are subject to its sole discretion.

    6.9 Actions of Household Members or Individuals

    If any member of a Solar Connectors immediate household engages in any activity which, if performed by the Solar Connector, violates any provision of the Agreement, such activity will be deemed a violation by the Solar Connector and Solar Expert Network may take appropriate disciplinary action, in its discretion, against the Solar Connectors and any associated Solar Connectors who are members of the same household. Similarly, if any individual associated in any way with a corporation, partnership, LLC, trust or other entity violated the Agreement, such action(s) will be deemed a violation by the entity, and Solar Expert Network may take disciplinary action against the entity.

    6.10 Marriage

    If two Solar Expert Network Solar Connectors marry, both husband and wife may continue to operate their existing Independent Business.

    6.11 Separation of a Solar Expert Network Business

    Solar Expert Network Solar Connectors sometimes operate their Solar Expert Network businesses as husband-wife partnerships, regular partnerships, corporations, LLCs, or trusts. If the marriage ends in divorce or if the entity is dissolved, then arrangements must be made to ensure that any separation or division of the business does not adversely affect the interests and income of other Solar Connectors up or down the line of enrollment. If the separating parties fail to provide for the best interests of other Solar Connectors and Solar Expert Network in a timely fashion, Solar Expert Network may transfer the case to an approved mediator for determination.

    During the divorce or entity dissolution process, the parties must adopt one of the following methods of operation:

    1. One of the parties may, with consent of the other(s), operate the Solar Connector business pursuant to an assignment in writing whereby the relinquishing spouse, shareholders, partners, members, or trustees authorize Solar Expert Network to deal directly and solely with the other spouse or non-relinquishing shareholder, partner, member, or trustee.
    2. The parties may continue to operate the Solar Expert Network business jointly on a “business-as-usual” basis, whereupon all compensation paid by Solar Expert Network will be paid according to the status quo as it existed prior to the divorce filing or dissolution proceedings. This is the default procedure if the parties do not agree on the format set forth above.

    Under no circumstances will the downline organization of divorcing spouses, or of a dissolving business entity, be divided. Similarly, under no circumstances will Solar Expert Network split commission and bonus checks between divorcing spouses or owners of a dissolving entity. Solar Expert Network will recognize only one downline organization and will issue only one commission check per Solar Connector business, per commission cycle. Commission shall always be issued payable to the name of the same individual or entity. If the parties to a divorce or entity dissolution proceeding are unable to resolve a dispute over the disposition of commissions and ownership of the business in a timely fashion as determined by Solar Expert Network, the Solar Connector Agreement may be involuntarily canceled by Solar Expert Network.

    If a former spouse has completely relinquished all rights in the original Solar Expert Network business pursuant to a divorce, he/she is thereafter free to enroll under any enroller of his/her choosing without waiting six calendar months. In the case of a business entity’s dissolution, the former partner, shareholder, member, or other owner of the entity who retains no interest in the original business, must still wait six (6) months from the date of the final dissolution before re-enrolling as a Solar Connector. In either case, however, the former spouse or entity associate shall have no rights to any downline in their former organization. They must develop the new business in the same manner as would any other new Solar Connector.

    6.12 Non-solicitation

    Solar Connectors are free to participate in other multi-level, network marketing, home based business ventures or marketing opportunities (collectively “network marketing”).   Solar Connector may solicit any Solar Connector or customer they personally enrolled for another network marketing business

    6.13 Reporting Policy Violations

    Any Solar Connector becoming aware of a violation of these Policies and Procedures by another Solar Connector should submit a written report of the violation directly to the attention of the Solar Expert Network Compliance Department ([email protected]). Details of the incidents such as dates, number of occurrences, people involved, and any supporting documentation should be included in the report.

    6.14 Pirating

    Actual or attempted pirating is strictly prohibited. “Pirating” includes enrolling or attempting to enroll an individual or entity as a Solar Connector who already has a current Solar Connector Agreement with Solar Expert Network, or who has had such an agreement within the preceding six (6) months, with a different line of sponsorship. The use of a spouse or relative’s name, trade names, DBAs, assumed names, corporations, partnerships, trusts, federal ID numbers, or fictitious ID numbers to circumvent this policy is prohibited, and grounds for termination as a Solar Connector.

    6.15 Non-disparagement of Solar Expert Network

    Solar Expert Network wants to provide its Solar Connectors with the best opportunities, Compensation Plan, and service in the industry. Accordingly, Solar Expert Network values constructive criticisms and comments. All such comments should be submitted in writing to the Compliance Department ([email protected]). Remember, to best serve you, we must hear from you! While Solar Expert Network welcomes constructive input, negative comments and remarks made in the field (including social media) by Solar Connectors about Solar Expert Network, its services, or Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan serve no purpose other than to sour the enthusiasm of other Solar Expert Network Solar Connectors. For this reason, and to set the proper example for downline, except for private statements directly to Solar Expert Network, no Solar Connector may disparage, demean, or make negative remarks about Solar Expert Network, other Solar Expert Network Solar Connectors, Solar Expert Network’s services, the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan, customers, or Solar Expert Network’s directors, officers, or employees.  Solar Expert Network Solar Connectors agree that for two years after the cancellation/termination of their distributorship they are bound to this non-disparagement provision. 

    6.16 Expenses

    All expenses arising from any Solar Connectors business operations are the sole responsibility of the Solar Connector, including, but not limited to legal costs, telephone expenses, advertising, travel, event participation, and the like.


    6.17 Effect of Termination

    So long as a Solar Connector remains in good standing and complies with the Solar Connector Agreement and these Policies and Procedures, Solar Expert Network shall pay commissions to the Solar Connector as provided in the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan. Solar Connectors bonuses and commissions constitute the entire consideration for the Solar Connectors efforts in generating sales of product, and all activities related to recruiting Solar Connectors (including building a downline organization). Following a Solar Connectors voluntary or involuntary termination of his/her Solar Connector Agreement (all these methods are collectively referred to as “termination”), the former Solar Connector shall have no right, title, claim or interest to the marketing organization which he/she operated, or to any commission or bonus from the sales generated by the organization.

    If a Solar Connector is terminated, effective with such termination, the Solar Connector loses all rights to any bonuses, and all other benefits associated with the activities of the Solar Connector. A Solar Connector who is terminated loses all rights as a Solar Connector (except the right to appeal the termination, as provided in this Agreement). This includes the right to sell Solar Expert Network services and the right to receive future commissions, bonuses, or other income resulting from the activities of the Solar Connectors former downline sales organization. Upon termination, each Solar Connector hereby irrevocably and forever waives any rights they may have, or may have had, including but not limited to property rights, to their former downline organization and to any bonuses, commissions or other remuneration derived from the sales and other activities of his/her former downline organization.

    6.18 Voluntary Termination

    A Solar Connector may voluntarily terminate his/her Solar Connector status by sending a written notice to the Solar Expert Network Compliance Department that he/she is terminating his/her Solar Connector Agreement. Voluntary termination is effective upon receipt of such notice by Solar Expert Network, or with the approval of Solar Expert Network, at a future date specified in the notice of termination. Notification of the voluntary termination may be forwarded to affected parties. A Solar Connector who voluntarily terminates his/her Solar Connector Agreement may reapply after waiting six (6) months.

    6.19 Involuntary Termination

    A Solar Connector may be terminated or suspended for materially violating this Solar Connector Agreement, including any material violation of these Policies and Procedures. Solar Expert Network may suspend a Solar Connector who is in violation of this Agreement while serving the Solar Connector with notice of cause or citing instance(s) of the violation(s). If a satisfactory explanation, defense, or remedy is not provided in writing by the Solar Connector within 15 days from such notice, termination will become effective with the final decision of Solar Expert Network, including with retroactive effect to the date of suspension. Notice of the decision will be sent to the violating Solar Connectors address of record with Solar Expert Network. In instances where applicable state law is inconsistent with the foregoing, the procedure shall be automatically adjusted to obtain compliance. An involuntarily terminated Solar Connector may not make application to Solar Expert Network for a period of twelve (12) months following the effective date of termination. In addition to termination, Solar Expert Network is entitled to take legal action against any terminated Solar Connector for any damages provided by law.

    If it comes to Solar Expert Network’s attention after accepting and Solar Connector application, that a person did not meet the eligibility criteria to become a Solar Connector, as outlined in this Agreement, they will be terminated immediately, and potentially retroactively.

    6.20 Appeal

    An involuntarily terminated Solar Connector may appeal the termination by submitting a letter of appeal to Solar Expert Network, stating the grounds of the appeal. Any letter of appeal must be sent CERTIFIED U.S. MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, ACCEPTING SIGNATURE REQUIRED, addressed “Attention Solar Expert Network – Appeal” and must be received by Solar Expert Network within thirty days of the date of mailing of Solar Expert Network’s termination notice. If Solar Expert Network has not received a letter of appeal by that deadline, the involuntary termination shall automatically become final.

    If a Solar Connector files a timely appeal, Solar Expert Network may, at its sole discretion, select an appeals committee consisting of Solar Connectors who are unrelated to the incident, and they, in conjunction with company management, shall review and reconsider the termination and notify the Solar Connector of their decision. The decision of Solar Expert Network shall be final and subject to no further appeal or review. If the appeal is denied, the termination shall remain in effect as of the date of Solar Expert Network’s original termination notice.

    6.20 Effect of Suspension

    If Solar Expert Network deems it necessary to suspend a Solar Connector, such suspension could mean that the Solar Connector may not have the right to represent him/herself as a Solar Connector of Solar Expert Network and that any bonuses due will be held in abeyance pending resolution.

    A Solar Connector whose business is terminated by Solar Expert Network under this provision, may not reapply to be a Solar Connector for a minimum of twelve months. The new application requires consent of an authorized officer of Solar Expert Network.


    7.1 Disciplinary Sanctions

    Violation of these Policies and Procedures or the Solar Connector Application and Agreement, any common law duty, including but not limited to any applicable duty of loyalty, or any illegal, fraudulent, deceptive, or unethical business conduct, or any act or omission by an Solar Connector that, in the sole discretion of Solar Expert Network may damage its reputation or goodwill (such damaging act or omission need not be related to the Solar Connectors Solar Expert Network business), may result in one or more of the following corrective measures:

    • Issuance of a written warning or admonition.
    • Requiring the Solar Connector to take immediate corrective measures.
    • Imposition of a fine, which may be withheld from bonus or commission checks.
    • Loss of rights to one or more bonus and commission checks.
    • Withholding from a Solar Connector all or part of the Solar Connectors bonuses and commissions during the period that Solar Expert Network is investigating any conduct allegedly in violation. If a Solar Connectors distributorship is canceled for a disciplinary reason, the Solar Connector will not be entitled to recover any bonus or commissions withheld.
    • Reassignment of all or part of the Solar Connectors marketing organization.
    • Suspension of the Solar Connectors distributorship for one or more pay periods.
    • Suspension and/or termination of the Solar Connectors website.
    • Any other measure expressly allowed in these Policies and Procedures or the Solar Connector Agreement, or which Solar Expert Network in its discretion deems practicable to implement and appropriate to equitably resolve injuries caused partially or exclusively by the Solar Connectors policy violation or contractual breach.
    • Involuntary termination of the Solar Connector as a representative of Solar Expert Network’s services.
    • In situations deemed appropriate by Solar Expert Network, Solar Expert Network may also institute legal proceedings for monetary damages and/or equitable relief.

    Each Solar Connectors violation(s) is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but similar violations by multiple Solar Connectors may be considered by Solar Expert Network for similar action or sanctions.

    7.2 Grievances and Complaints

    Only when a Solar Connector has a grievance or complaint with another Solar Connector regarding their respective Solar Expert Network businesses that involves interpretation or violation of any Solar Expert Network policy, it must be reported in writing to the Compliance Department at Solar Expert Network ([email protected]).     

    7.3 Mediation

    Prior to instituting arbitration, the parties shall meet in good faith and attempt to resolve any dispute arising from or relating to the Agreement through non-binding mediation. One individual who is mutually acceptable to the parties shall be appointed as mediator. The mediator’s fees and costs, as well as the costs of holding and conducting the mediation, shall be divided equally between the parties. Each party shall pay its portion of the anticipated shared fees and costs at least 10 days in advance of the mediation. Each party shall pay its own attorney’s fees, costs, and individual expenses associated with conducting and attending the mediation. Mediation shall be held in the city of Lake in the Hills, Illinois and shall last no more than two business days.

    7.4 Arbitration

    If mediation is unsuccessful, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Policies and Procedures, the Solar Expert Network Compensation Plan, or the Solar Connector Agreement (collectively, the “Agreement”) or any breach thereof, shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association, under its Commercial Arbitration Rules, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

    If a Solar Connector wishes to bring an action against Solar Expert Network for any act or omission relating to or arising from the Agreement, such action must be brought within 90 days from the date of the alleged conduct giving rise to the cause of action. Failure to bring such action within 90 days shall bar all claims by the Solar Connector against Solar Expert Network for such act or omission. Each Solar Connector waives all claims that might apply under any other statute of limitation.

    All arbitration proceedings shall be held in Lake in the Hills, Illinois.  The parties shall be entitled to all discovery rights allowed under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. No other aspects of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure shall be applicable to the arbitration. There shall be one arbitrator, an attorney at law, who shall have expertise in business law transactions with a strong preference being an attorney knowledgeable in the direct selling industry, selected from the panel which the American Arbitration Panel provides. Each party to the arbitration shall be responsible for its own costs and expenses of the arbitration, including legal and filing fees. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties and may, if necessary, be reduced to a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. The arbitrator may be required by either party to provide written reasons for the decision.

    This requirement to arbitrate shall survive any termination or expiration of the Agreement. Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent Solar Expert Network from applying to and obtaining from any court having jurisdiction a writ of attachment, a temporary injunction, preliminary injunction, permanent injunction or other relief available to safeguard and protect Solar Expert Network’s interests and intellectual property prior to, during or following the filing of any arbitration or other proceeding or pending the rendition of a decision or award in connection with any arbitration or other proceeding.

    7.5 Limitation of Damages

    To the extent permitted by law, Solar Expert Network and its affiliates, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, attorneys, accountants, employees, and other representatives shall not be liable for, and each Solar Connector hereby releases the foregoing from and waives, any claim for loss of profit, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages which may arise out of any claim whatsoever relating to Solar Expert Network’s performance, non-performance, act or omission with respect to the business relationship or other matters between the Solar Connector and Solar Expert Network, whether sounding in contract, tort or strict liability. Furthermore, it is agreed that any damage to the Solar Connector shall not exceed, and is hereby expressly limited to, the amount of Solar Expert Network products and/or services owned by the Solar Connector, and payment of any commission and bonuses owed to the Solar Connector.


    8.1 Entire Agreement

    These Policies and Procedures, Earning Plan, and the Solar Connector Agreement, constitute the entire understanding and Agreement of the parties with respect to that subject matter. The Policies and Procedures, Earning Plan, and Solar Connector Agreement may be amended at any time by any instrument in writing signed by an authorized officer of Solar Expert Network.

    8.2 Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue

    Jurisdiction and venue of any matter shall reside in Lake in the Hills, Illinois. The laws of the State of Illinois shall govern all other matters relating to or arising from the Agreement.

    8.3 Infringement

    Solar Expert Network disclaims and excludes all warranties regarding possible infringement of trademarks, trade name, copyright, or the like caused by the Solar Connectors actions. No Solar Connector shall have any claim in connection therewith. Upon learning of any claim or suit relating to any of the matters discussed, the Solar Connector shall immediately notify Solar Expert Network.

    8.4 Severability

    If under any applicable and binding law or rule of any applicable jurisdiction, any provision of the Agreement, including these Policies and Procedures, or any specification, standard or operating procedure which Solar Expert Network has prescribed is held to be invalid or unenforceable, Solar Expert Network shall have the right to modify the invalid or unenforceable provision, specification, standard or operating procedure, or any portion thereof to the extent required to be valid and enforceable. Each Solar Connector shall be bound by any such modification. The modification will be effective only in the jurisdiction(s) in which it is required.

    8.5 Waiver

    Solar Expert Network never gives up its right to insist on compliance with these Policies and Procedures, the Solar Connector Agreement, and all applicable laws governing the conduct of a business by its Solar Connectors. Failure by Solar Expert Network to exercise any right or power under the Agreement or to insist upon strict compliance by a Solar Connector with any obligation or provision of the Agreement, shall not constitute a waiver of Solar Expert Network’s right to demand exact compliance hereafter, nor shall any custom or practice of the parties that are at variance therewith constitute a waiver. Any waiver by Solar Expert Network of these Policies and Procedures or the Solar Connector Agreement is only effective when in writing and signed by an authorized officer of Solar Expert Network, specifically waving the policy or breach. Solar Expert Network’s waiver of any particular policy or breach by a Solar Connector shall not affect or impair Solar Expert Network’s rights with respect to any subsequent breach, nor shall it affect in any way the rights or obligations of any other Solar Connector, nor shall any delay or omission by Solar Expert Network in exercising any right arising from a breach affect or impair Solar Expert Network’s rights as to that or any subsequent breach.

    8.6 Amendments

    Solar Expert Network reserves the right to amend these Policies and Procedures, the services it offers, and Compensation Plan, as it deems appropriate. Amendments will be posted online and any other means that Solar Expert Network deems appropriate. Amendments are effective and binding on all Solar Connectors as of the date they are issued. In the event of any conflict between these Policies and Procedures, the Solar Connector Agreement, and any such, the amendment shall govern.

    8.7 Interpretation

    Whenever the context reasonably permits, the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the whole shall include any part thereof. Words in any gender shall be deemed to include the other genders. This Agreement is written in, and shall be governed by, the English language. In the event of any conflict between this English language version of the Agreement and any translation of this Agreement, the English language version shall control. Any section, paragraph or other headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.

    8.8 No Government Endorsements

    International, U.S. Federal and State, and foreign regulatory agencies do not approve or endorse direct selling programs. Therefore, Solar Connectors may not represent or imply, directly or indirectly, that Solar Expert Network program has been approved or endorsed by any such governmental agency.

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